Monday 10 February 2014

Back to a normal Monday, and Peter Q and John S came back for a second helping! Thursday didn't put them off, on the contrary. As a result, we had a really good brick laying gang and were able to work on 4 sections at once:
A dry day at last! John gets to the end of the 40m section.
 John C put the final row of corbelling onto the 40 meter section. This now just needs a last row of backing up, and it is complete.
Things are getting a bit crowded round here now, so the final yards of muck carrying are done by the bucket load. Peter gets his from Keith.
 At the rear of the 40m section, Peter Q backed up the previous row, while John S worked on the 50m section backing up.
A view of the site at lunchtime today, with the 70m section in the foreground.
 Bob was ion his hands and knees again, laying two rows of blues on to the 70m section, where we laid the blocks on Thursday. The spaces between the blocks were also infilled with more mortar.
It's a bright sunny day today ! Activity round the mixer at the other end.
 Those on the mixer could tell it was a good day, as they were kept busy with a constant stream of barrows heading south. Someone using it up there alright....
The next load of blocks arrives, for the 80m section
 At mid morning, Richard from Fairview arrived with more supplies - 72 blocks, and 20 bags of cement. we were down to our last bag at 9am, worries....
Come on Jo, stop taking pictures and help!
 Having removed a large number of pallets of reds from the middle of the new brick pile on the embankment, we were asked to sort out the broken reds and get them as infill behind section 1 of the new wall. Brian, Keith, Paul and Jo start throwing  the bits down to the track.
Paul ponders a naughty thought - wonder if I could reach him from up here?

In summary, a great turnout today with no fewer than eleven volunteers, a record. 
Five bricklayers were supported by six, to achieve the following:
Section 4: the final course of corbelling laid plus two red backing courses.
Section 5:  two red backing courses laid.
Section : one red backing course laid.
Section :7 two blue brick courses laid.
Approximate number of bricks laid - 900! That's what you get with two extra brick layers.
Yours truly left at 1.30 to help give a lecture at Leckhampton to a church community that had donated funds to the railway, and wanted to know more. Of the audience of 20, one was interested in volunteering, and another in the share issue. Result !

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